
The Future of Streaming: A Product Marketing and Competitive Analysis of Disney Plus

In a 4-week long project, I researched, analyzed, and strategized a new feature proposal for Disney+. This project includes a competitive analysis, user research, user personas, and a creative strategy revolving around the new feature proposal.

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DNA Manipulator: Your Customizable Sequence Editor

This DNA manipulator project bridges the gap between complex biological concepts like DNA sequencing and practical software functionalities. I designed efficient algorithms to handle sequence manipulation tasks, creating a user-friendly interface for interacting with the program.

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Bridging the Gap: Building a Social Justice Summit Brand

As Public Relations Director, I spearheaded the creation of a comprehensive brand identity for a 90-member student organization hosting an annual gathering of over 800 diverse students from 10 UC campuses. I led a team to create a website and powerful social media presence, using Adobe InDesign to produce various marketing materials (banners, pamphlets, ID badges). This initiative fostered a cohesive and impactful brand for the organization's event, connecting leading professionals, activists, and changemakers in the field of human rights and social justice.

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